Citizenship Paralegals
The Nubian Rights Forum Identity Documentation Program empowers the Nubian ethnic minority by providing the much-needed assistance in acquiring identity documents, which are vital tools in fighting for other rights such as education, land rights, seeking of loans and employment opportunities.
The Nubian Rights Forum Paralegal Program seeks to highlight issues of cultural, economic and social injustices as a result of historical and perpetual discrimination and marginalization. The Advocacy Program is aimed at giving the Nubian Marginalized Communities in Kibera, Nairobi justice long overdue. Through education, dialogue, community forums and paralegal assistance in making citizenship-related applications (particularly for acquiring birth certificates, ID cards, and passports) the Nubian Minority Identity Documentation Monitoring Program aims to reverse the situation, beginning with the Nubian Community based in Kibera. The program also includes a radio talk show on citizenship and related issues.
Educate and empower the Nubian Community members to know their entitlements and as a result demand and defend their rights
Use of radio for advocacy and outreach to encourage the community on the importance of applying for the different registration documents
The school program is a continuous program meant for empowerment and advocacy where the local schools are invited for a citizenship competition which entails debating within themselves with topics selected by the paralegals to make them do more research on the issue before arguing them in front of the panel of judges. The program also covers creative arts and essay writing/ composition in both primary and secondary schools.
All these are meant to empower and make them the ambassadors of citizenship in Kibra and it will enable them to advocate for themselves, assist others and also advocate for the future generation in our absence.
The paralegals will carry out outreach in chief Barraza’s, youth groups and also different stakeholders within Kibera whom we get invited whenever they have forums to at least empower the community on the importance of citizenship documentation.