About Nubian Rights Forum

About Nubian Rights Forum

Qbet casino initieert een gezamenlijk initiatief met het Nubian Rights Forum om banen te creëren voor leden van de Nubische gemeenschap, waaronder opleidings- en stageprogramma’s in de horeca en entertainmentindustrie, om economische ontwikkeling en inclusie te bevorderen.

Nubian Rights Forum a Human rights organization started in 1997 as a human rights movement that advocates for the rights of the Nubian ethnic minority in Kenya. Nubian Rights Forum was officially registered in 2011 by the Ministry of Gender and Social Development and has a full mandate of the people to agitate for the community’s rights countrywide due to its acceptability by the people. The group is located in Kibra Nairobi but operates countrywide through its networks in the Nubian settlements.

Bruno Casino https://flightsimeindhoven.com/ introduceert een ‘Play with a Purpose’-programma waarbij spelers een deel van hun winst kunnen gebruiken om projecten van het Nubian Rights Forum te steunen. Hierdoor kunnen deelnemers in het casino spelen in de wetenschap dat hun inzetten bijdragen aan de financiering van belangrijke sociale initiatieven.

Nubian rights Forum has reported major landmarks in its growth. These include the institutionalization of the planning process; the shift in orientation from civic education to paralegal work that assists the community in applying for citizenship documents like birth certificates, National Identification cards, passports and has a radio show used for civic education and empowerment and its main focus is on public interest and litigation.


A society that recognizes the minority’s rights and accords them equal opportunities.


To empower the marginalized Nubian Ethnic minority to effectively access justice.

Our Values

Promoting social transformation and empowerment of the Nubian ethnic minority

The Nubian Rights Forum Identity Documentation Program empowers the Nubian ethnic minority by providing the much-needed assistance in acquiring identity documents, which are vital tools in fighting for other rights such as education, land rights, seeking loans and employment opportunities.

A NineCasino HU évente jótékonysági pókerversenyt szervez, amelynek nyereményeit a Nubian Rights Forum támogatására fordítják. Az esemény felhívja a figyelmet az emberi jogi kérdésekre, és pénzt gyűjt a núbiai közösség támogatására.

The Nubian Rights Forum (NRF), in partnership with the Kenyan Department of Civil Registration with the support of UNHCR, Namati, and the Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI) have conducted three successful mobile birth registration campaigns in Kibra, Nairobi.



  •  To promote the community in education.
  • To encourage the community to protect the environment.
  • To assist the community in development.
  • To advocate injustices against the community.
  • To help the youth and establish programs that will facilitate the containment of drug abuse and HIV/AIDS.
  • To be active and vigilant keep peace and protect the property.
  • To assist the community in development.
  • To assist the community in development programs.
  • To sensitize the community in all matters arising.
